
  • António A. Neto Mendes Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação do Huambo


centralization and decentralization, school autonomy, municipalization of the education, regulation for the market and privatization, control


We know how the debate is long around the problem of the democratization
of the school organization. With effect, to discuss how it can the public school
to open to the participation of a vast group of actors (teachers, students,
parents, local autarchies, companies) without putting historically in cause the
social acceptance of the educational project consecrated, among us, to the
public school it seems to be the great challenge. Admitting that the
discussion on the democracy in the schools is not made without consent of the largest debate that concerns the democratic organization of the societies,
we intend to revisit us the roads that the democratic government of the
public school has been treading in Portugal, the one that implicates rehearse
a glance diachronic starting from the Revolution of the Carnations (April of
1974). Such it will allow to be considered, relatively to the present, the
possibilities of development of the public school that today are discussed in
Portugal, direct or indirectly related with the central theme that we chose for
this communication.


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How to Cite

Mendes, A. A. N. (2014). THE DEMOCRACY IN THE SCHOOL ORGANIZATION STARTING FROM THE PORTUGUESE EXPERIENCE. Revista Órbita Pedagógica, 1(1), 39–54. Retrieved from