
  • Gilsa Munana Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação do Huambo


Teaching identity, Autonomy and Professional Development


         After the literature review in the field of identity, autonomy and professional development of teachers, seeking to analyze the relationship that exists at the level of these concepts in the teaching-learning process.  We conclude from this analysis that it is important to reflect on initial teacher training and its contribution to the construction of the identity and professionality of teachers in secondary-level teacher training courses, as well as the need to adjust the higher-level training offer, developing training programs that take into account the perceptions and representations of the teaching profession and the profile of trainees, with a view to promoting development and autonomy.


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How to Cite

Munana , G. (2024). IDENTITY, AUTONOMY AND PROFESSIONAL TEACHING DEVELOPMENT . Revista Órbita Pedagógica, 11(2), 148–167. Retrieved from