
  • ALFREDO VIEIRA Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação do Huambo


Education, Politics, Society, Norms


“Education and politics” is the title of this work that aims to study the close connection between education and politics, or the art of organizing society. In fact, the more education there is, the better a society is structured. A reminder of the pretensions that many people have to think they understand politics, forgetting that it requires well-founded knowledge, in fact it is also a science. Education professionals are the builders of society and must accept the challenge of knowing the truth. Important concepts are presented that can help understand the reality addressed. Expert views can lead to this goal. The research is centered on four fundamental points: 1. Education and the role of the teacher. An attempt is made to show the great importance of education in any society and also the great role of the teacher; 2. What is politics? This approach shows the man who wants to know more about the reality in which he lives, realizing that he must organize such a world; 3. What means does politics have at its disposal? We want to make people understand the importance of the norms that any society approves as instruments for good social coexistence; and, 4. Power. Central theme when it comes to politics, as it also addresses government issues. The work ends with a short Conclusion, after having presented an Introduction at the beginning. The method in evidence is fundamentally bibliographic with reasoned incidences from the author.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, A. (2024). EDUCATION AND POLITICS. Revista Órbita Pedagógica, 11(2), 12–31. Retrieved from